“The Secret life of Moths”
We are really excited to announce that we are holding a series of talks: “Living gracefully on this planet” surrounding nature, specifically moths in this instance & engaging with the countryside.
Noted speakers, will be exploring nature in the local area and Sullington through the ages in the beautiful 16th century Old Workshop. Book your tickets here.
Peter Smith: “The secret life of Moths”
Peter is a beekeeper, amateur entomologist, writer and focuses on moths and the pollinators of the UK. He has also been trapping and recording moths for twelve years and has identified over 400 different species. He works closely with different conservation groups such as Butterfly Conservation, The Surrey Wildlife Trust and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. BBC Countryfile featured Peter in a segment about his work with bees, honey & pollinators.
We have recently set some (humane) moth traps on the farm itself, just out of curiosity. We were ecstatic to find nine different species amongst those were the Brick, Oak Rustic and the Rusty Dot Pearl moth.
It may be that moths enjoy the dead plant matter that is left over winter alongside the long grasses and the diverse range of wild plants and flowers.
Many have said that the role of the night pollinator has been potentially overlooked at times. Recently, their dispensing pollen over large distances under the cover of darkness
Lead author Dr. Callum Macgregor, from the University of York’s Department of Biology, finds some results from original research. Dr Macgregor finds that “moths appear to complement the work of bees and can carry pollen over greater distances as they don’t have the same ties to a particular part of the landscape. Potentially, this might help to prevent inbreeding among plants.”
Join us as Peter deep dives into ‘the secret life of moths’ and book tickets here. Find out more about our Events.